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10:37 a.m. - 2010-01-04
Mondayest of Mondays

Happy New Year again. This is certainly the mother of all Mondays - first Monday of the new year, and if you count that way, the first Monday of a new decade.

Our annual New Year's Day open house was fun - we had about 60-70 people including some folks who don't traditionally come, and it was very nice. There were some stragglers who stayed until 6 (it was from 1-4), but it was nice. We all hung out, picked at the leftovers and I finally crashed around 10 after getting two loads of dishes and laundry on.

Saturday, Andy had his sax lesson, so I took him, then stopped by to pick up my prize clarinet that I'd won in December and given to our neighborfriend's daughter. We left it in their house since we're house sitting for them over the weekend. Came home, made some brunch for my aunt and uncle and parents, and later watched the last two episodes of the second season of Mad Men. My father and uncle were in the living room watching history channel and/or football and they were happy because spouse made a fire in the fire place.

My aunt and mother watched mad men with spouse and me, and Andy played with his various electronics.

I had a dream dinner turkey that I shoved in the oven, and we all ate around 6:30, then my aunt and uncle headed out around 8:30, and we all crashed again.

Andy and I got up at 7 on Sunday and watched church. I was too wiped out to actually leave the house, and it was pretty cold. We'd had snow since Friday afternoon. I think we got about 10 inches.

I've been feeling anxious and a bit depressed - I know a chunk of it is post holiday let down; and most of it is worry about my mother and my brother. I just wish he'd start treatment already, but I suspect he won't get the thyroid biopsy results until later this week. I only have two more weeks of radiation left, then I am meeting with another oncologist about tamoxiphen on the 21st.

My folks fly home tomorrow morning. Their flight is at 7 a.m., and I am encouraging spouse to leave the house at 4:30 to get them to the airport no later than 5:15 now that the screening protocols have been changed. I suspect my folks will spend most of the day packing and organizing.

I let Andy start texting yesterday, though I set some rules: 1. Texting time is part of his computer time. 2. I get the phone every night at 9.
3. I get to know (and be answered each time I ask) to whom he is texting, and from whom he is receiving texts.

I got a new phone yesterday, so he got my old phone which is easier to use to text. We'll see how it works out.

And for now, that's all I got.

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