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8:13 a.m. - 2004-02-04
Clean up
It's those darn outplacement sessions that keep me from updating. Had the last one yesterday. Saw my friend who also got laid off, but she had to go take care of her mother who was having surgery last week, so she missed the first session. She was relatively upbeat before she went away. She was my role model while she was away. She's back now and angry and sad. We're going to "network" together (after the angry and sad part is over with. I have meetings set up for next week (and I think even an interview, though I'm waiting for a call back from the HR guy.) I'm whispering this because I don't want to jinks everything. Okay - some housekeeping:

1. I watched the superbowl, missed the boobular thang, but was completely disgusted by the dry humping on stage between Janet and Justin. No one has expressed outrage about that. What about Nelly's constant checking of his nether regions? He looked like my (very young) nephew when he is nervous.

2. Thank heavens they rebroadcast the survivor premier. Now I'm all caught up. Stop your whining people! You knew what you were in for!

3. I am making valentines this week.

4. I've lost some of my diary links when they fixed my computer. I can't find Iona/Grey Skies. I can't find Pischina's other diaries.

5. How come no one is even talking about Dean? Not one mention in the primary recaps.

That is all.

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