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5:08 p.m. - 2011-08-23
Nothing but blue skies and earthquakes

Tuesday afternoon, already? We had an earthquake. Kind of interesting! Spouse had to get some stuff from his office and pick up books he'd ordered from the library, so Andy and I made the trek with him. We stopped for lunch, stopped at Trader Joe's, and now we're home after singing "I Feel the Earth Move," while we were driving.

My PT therapist did this stretch thing to a tendon along my hip, back and thigh, and I think it really made a difference. I hope she does it again on Thursday!

It is the most beautiful day today - sunny, not too hot, and dry. We switched off the AC yesterday, and it has been so nice.

Our piggie is gimping along. We're trying to fatten him up.

And for now, that's what I got.

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