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4:22 p.m. - 2009-10-14
Sweet potatoes

Today's word of the day: "Wiped." I am just so exhausted this week, tough I've been eating healthy. I woke up three times with really wierd leg cramps - not just the usual charley horses in my thigh or calves, but my knees and ankles. Wierd. Tried to walk it off a bit, but it took quite some time.

Tonight is Andy's boy scout Court of Honor. He may be getting a couple of badges, but they are ones he earned last year but didn't complete the paper work for. I'm not sure how long he'll stick with scouts at this point. He doesn't seem to have much motivation or initiative to find out things on his own for scouts.

Worked last night to help organize a candidates' night with the town I live in. They were all fatootsed about not having enough questions for the candidates and I suggested that we set up a twitter account and let people tweet in their questions on the night of the debate. They thought that was pretty nifty. My work here is done.

Spouse brought me chicken noodle soup from panera for lunch today. Last night's dinner was tasty. Tonight is a dream dinner - southwest chicken with black beans and rice. Tomorrow is weigh-in at WW before the tumor conference.


And for now, that's all I got.

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